Apparently I can't avoid winter, no matter how much I try so I decided this break while visiting mum in country Vic, that instead of loathing winter, I would embrace it.
In the theme of winter, I pulled out my snowgear and got excited enough to peel myself away from the heater and drive two hours each way to spend the day hitting the 'slopes' at Mt Baw Baw. Snowboarding is my only exception to winter and it was actually awesome. The vis was bad, the snow was sludgy and it was drizzling all day but it was fun to be 'shredding'.
Mt Baw Baw surprised me a little. Firstly I didn't realise the resort only had pommers and T-bars. Initially I found this kind of daunting, but after several runs and no incidences I realised this wasn't a problem. Secondly, Baw Baw is packed with tree runs. All are quite short, but there are heaps of little kickers over soft terrain which allowed me to hit them unnoticeably confident.
The really good thing about having a mountain so close to mums is the recovery from the cold at the end of the day. This meant I got to sit back in my spot in front of the heater, with a hot water bottle, mums pea and ham soup and two very warm, cuddly sausage dogs.
My winter advice... find some sun! If you can't, find your local mountain.